The Spiral Staircase Bookshop

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My best friend

This is Kevin, my black Labrador who died almost five years ago. I can still not talk about his death as it hurts too much. He was the ultimate friend, and I’m still thinking of him almost on a daily basis. I wish somebody, who reads this and who has also experienced the deep hurt of losing an animal friend, would reply………….?

Be good and have a grand week!


  • I know EXACTLY how you feel. I lost my Collie named Jeff who was hit by a school bus in early 2000. I still cry about losing him. People who don't get attached to animals like you and I just don't understand the depth of the pain.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:26 PM  

  • What a nice pictures!
    Visit me!
    I love the pets too!

    By Blogger Recursos para tu blog - Ferip -, at 9:31 PM  

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